Sharing Your Passion and Purpose With The World Starts with Creating Your Soul-Centered Personal Brand.

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 Your personal brand is something that enters the room when your name is mentioned, even if you’re not there.


Your brand encompasses the feelings and thoughts that others have about you.  If you haven't defined the elements of your brand, if you haven't built that brand foundation, it's hard to know what your brand is truly saying about you. 

Right now, more than any other time in history, accessibility to people all over the world is as easy as opening up an app on your phone.  Your message, your story, your light, and your soul have the ability to make an impact everywhere.  Have you been feeling the tug to step into the purpose for your life? The desire to stand for something, to help more people, to share your gifts, your knowledge, skills, and grow a tribe of like-minded people, then defining your brand's foundation with the Soul-Centered Personal Brand as your guide, may be the right decision for you. 

Hi.  I'm Kristen Sibayan, Creative Director and Brand Strategist who is passionate about helping others discover and create their personal brands so that they can achieve whatever they are passionate or purpose-driven to do.  Over the past twenty years, I've helped business owners, entrepreneurs, doctors, and influencers monetize their knowledge, skills, and accomplishments to generate additional passive - and active - streams of income by leveraging their personal brands!  My passion is helping others unlock their passions.


Why A Soul-Centered Personal Brand?


Having spent the last twenty years working in Personal Branding, what my living experience has shown me is that the tone of the world we live in right now is one demanding authenticity.  The easiest way to avoid getting trapped in a fake version of yourself is to build a personal brand that is based on the soul of who you are.  To do that, we look at your life, what you love, what you have experienced, and what you are passionate about. Then we use that information to highlight your ideal tribe, and figure out what they want to hear from you. Then, as long as you live authentically to the values you want to represent, you'll be projecting the right personal brand to connect with the audience you want to speak to. 

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What's Included in the Soul-Centered
Personal Brand and Visual Identity Spark Kit?

I’m So Glad You Asked! The Soul-Centered Personal Brand and Visual Identity Spark Kit was designed to take the things that light your soul on fire, help you define who you want in your tribe,  and establish the foundation of your personal brand. Then taking that foundation and building a visual identity (your logo, colors, fonts and more!) that represents everything you've defined. You know, help you spark your soul and keep you fired up to live the brand you are passionately ready for and purposefully designed to live.

Here's A Closer Look At What's Included:

Soul Dive


Through the sessions in Soul Dive, you'll discover your personal desires, look at the gifts and talents you've been given, the knowledge and experience you've obtained, your passions, goals, and the legacy you want to leave this world.  This is the foundation of your Soul-Centered Personal Brand.

Soul Tribe

You and I are here to love and serve others and to share who we are with them.  But who are they?  Soul Tribe helps you find and identify the tribe you want to serve.  You'll discover and create your ideal avatars, and look through their lens to discover what parts of you they are going to love and connect with.

Then looking through the lens of your ideal avatars, we'll further establish what your brand can do for them. 


Brand Vibe 

This is where all of the discovery comes together to lay the foundation of your brand.  We'll establish the personality, tone, statement, values, and what makes you unique to the tribe you want to serve.  This is also where it starts to get really fun, because once this is complete, you'll be ready to have your visual identity created.  That's your logo, your colors, your fonts, business cards, letterhead, and more!


Your Creative Design Strategy Session with Kristen

Once you've completed your Soul-Centered Personal Brand journey, you'll be ready to meet with me so that we can begin building your Visual Identity!  Your visual identity is a collection of different graphic and eye-catching elements that represent your brand.  It's the logo, colors, fonts, style guide, and more that are created to reinforce the foundation of your brand and what it stands for.  The visual cohesive aesthetic helps build brand recognition and brand recognition is important because it's what walks into the proverbial room… it plants itself into the minds of people and gets them thinking about you when you aren't there.    

During your Creative Design Strategy Session, which is conveniently done over a Zoom call, we'll talk about your brand foundation, the feelings, emotions, passions, purpose, and tribe that you want to create. Then we'll get into the fun creative side of what your brand's visual identity looks like!   Our meeting will last around an hour and by the end of it, I'll have everything I'll need to get your Visual Identity designed.

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Here's What's Included in Your Visual Design Spark Kit!


Your Custom Logo Design

As we go through the design process, you'll receive up to 5 different logos to choose from that will represent your Soul-Centered Personal Brand.  These logos will be custom designed based on the Creative Strategy we decide on.  You won’t be at a loss for options, in fact, the hardest part of this process is choosing just one!

Your Custom Colors


You’ll never again need to wonder what colors you should use.  Your Visual Identity includes your main colors as well as complimentary and secondary colors to use to create and maintain the perfect aesthetic for the Visual Identity of your brand.

Your Custom Fonts


Fonts can get so tricky at times!  Not any more.  When we establish the fonts for your brand, we'll provide you with a variety of fonts that work well with your logo. No more struggling to pick the right fonts for your brand.

Your Soul-Centered Personal Brand Guide


This is by far one of the most powerful tools you'll have for your Soul-Centered Personal Brand.  Your Brand Guide tells your brand's foundational story,  and provides all of the information about your Visual Identity.  Imagine you've been hired to speak at a large event and they need assets to create the marketing materials.  Just send them your Brand Guide!  Everything they need to know about your tribe, your soul and the visual identity that represents it is right there at their fingertips.  Your Personal Brand Guide is not only a time-saver, but it also makes it easy for you to be consistent in everything you do.  That consistency is what builds trust.

Business Cards

Designed and 1000 printed*

Even in our high-tech world of shiny-objects and social media, a business card is still one of the most powerful direct marketing tools you could use.  It creates an instant platform for conversation and interaction.  While it also shares all of your pertinent information, it's also like a secret weapon, that little reminder that someone will pull out of their pocket or purse and remember the interaction they had with you.

Custom Digital Letterhead


Being able to create and share a document that has your branding on it is as easy as opening up a web browser.  We will provide you with a digital version of your letterhead as a google document, with your logo, custom colors, fonts, and style established.  All you'll have to do is start typing. :)

Custom Social Media Templates


Everyone knows how crucial it is to flaunt your stuff on social media channels. But KNOWING you need to do it, doesn’t make it any easier to actually DO IT. Well, we’ve got you covered friend. When it comes to sharing your brand on social media, having templates with your brand, your colors, your fonts, and your aesthetic is super important (and fun!).  We provide you with 5 different social media templates in Canva that you will be able to use and reuse for that consistent aesthetic that people will recognize as yours.

Custom Slide Deck


Listen, I'm sure you're meant to share your message, gifts, talents, wisdom, encouragement and more with this world.  You may not see it yet, but I think you're going to need to have a custom slide deck created with your brand, colors and fonts established so that when you get that call, you are ready to go.  So we're including a custom 5 slide deck too.

Brand Chops and Proven Performance!

If you’re looking for the perfect blend of design, and effectiveness look no further than Kristen and her team. Whether designing brands, courses, launches and the complex marketing funnels that power them, their professionalism and results-oriented focus made working together an easy decision. It’s rare to find a team that has brand chops and proven performance, it really is the best of both worlds.  

Jonathan Cronstedt
President, Kajabi

If you're ready to define your Soul-Centered Personal Brand and have your Visual Identity created so that you attract the audience you're trying to reach and look great doing it, simply click the button below to get started.

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If You Aren't Sure Yet... and you want to talk about it, simply fill in this form for a free 20-minute call with Kristen :)

© 2022 Soul Sparked